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Fast & Efficient Construction

Our standardized components are precision-built in our factory and ready for quick on-site assembly, minimizing construction time and disruption.


We believe in building homes that are good for the planet and good for people. That’s why we:
Prioritize Sustainable Materials: We use materials with a low or even negative carbon footprint, whenever possible.
Support Local Businesses: We partner with local suppliers, minimizing transportation emissions and boosting our community.
Deliver Energy-Efficient Homes: Our homes are designed to be highly energy-efficient, saving you money and reducing your environmental impact.
Fair Practices for All: We believe in fair prices that allow us to properly compensate our employees and partners, while remaining competitive through process improvement and ongoing innovation.

Energy Efficiency

Much better thermal isolation than conventional houses and only high energy efficient material are used.


Our factory-built homes are unaffected by weather, allowing for a faster and more efficient construction process. Have a better control of the production variables results in a cost efficient house. 


All houses are equipped with building controls. As so, you can remotely check the temperature, movement, doors or energy use. Equally important is to control devices like the AC units or lights.


Everything is fast from the moment you chose your house. Design customisation, Production, Delivery and Assembly… and you can start using your new house.

Flexible and expandable

Our modular homes are designed for flexibility. Expand your living space effortlessly with standard modules, adding rooms or features as your lifestyle evolves.
In the Micro and Macro models, it is possible to add prefabricated modules, increasing space without a significant impact on costs.


Sometimes the perfect spot is way from infrastructures. AHOUZ models may be equipped with solar panels and backup power to work Off-the-Grid.